GOLDBECK SOLAR conclude contracts for the construction of seven new solar parks in the Netherlands with a total volume of around 108 MWp.

11 maart 2024

GOLDBECK SOLAR conclude contracts for the construction of seven new solar parks in the Netherlands with a total volume of around 108 MWp.

With seven new solar parks, POWERFIELD is continuing to drive the green energy transition in the Netherlands. The Dutch project developer is relying on GOLDBECK SOLAR for the first time to build the systems. The Hirschberger EPC company is very familiar with large solar projects and has already implemented numerous solar parks in the Netherlands.

Short construction times make projects challenging

For GOLDBECK SOLAR, the short construction period of individual parks is the biggest challenge,” says the responsible sales engineer Danijel Zgaljic. The goal is to complete all systems between May and November. The deadlines for individual projects leave little room for delays. Ivo van Dam: “We know GOLDBECK SOLAR from various project developments as an experienced and reliable partner. We are therefore confident that the projects will succeed within the planned time.”

A special feature of the newly planned solar parks is that sub-projects may be supplemented by a battery solution. PowerField and GOLDBECK SOLAR want to ensure that the energy produced is used as efficiently as possible.

Green energy for almost 30,000 Dutch households

 Once completed, the seven new solar parks will have an output of over 108 MWp. This means PowerField can supply almost 30,000 Dutch households with green energy.

Covering an area of ​​approximately 1.6 hectares, Doorsneeweg will be the smallest system with an output of just under 2 MWp. In contrast, there are the Hollandscheveld I and II solar parks, which together achieve an output of more than 52 MWp. The other projects are Wolvega (5 MWp), Wanneperveen (33 MWp) and Heino I and II (together 16 MWp).

Dit artikel is 11 maart 2024 geplaatst door: GOLDBECK SOLAR